Please upload 3 images of your recent artwork.*
Images must be named per the guidelines below or we cannot guarantee they will be uploaded to your website profile.
Format: JPG
Name your files: lastnamefirstname_image#_imagetitle (all lower case)
Example: Image 1 jonesgreg_1_blueballoons.jpg
Image 2 jonesgreg_2_sleepingcat.jpg
Image 3 jonesgreg_3_dawnbreaking.jpg
File Dimensions: Minimum 1000px on the longest side.
If you're sending your images from your phone, please send as original size or they will be too small to use.
File Size: under 5 MB*, Note, if you'd like your images to be considered for print use on the brochures and posters, files must be at least 1 MB.
*If your images are larger, you can reduce the size by using free software like Easy Thumbnails for Windows and ResizeIt for Mac.
*It is the artist's choice to watermark their own images before sending if concerned about copyright.
*If you are unable to upload images on your tablet or smartphone, please use a laptop or desktop to complete your application.