To nominate someone, please fill out this form by the 14th of the month to be considered for the following month's recognition. Managers will review nominations at a weekly meeting and select one winner per month. Employees who earn an Employee of the Month Award receive a $50 cash bonus in the month they are recognized, as well as being treated to lunch out with the General Manager Trevor Ottley in the quarter they were recognized.

Your Information (as the Nominator)


Nominee Information

Reasons for nominating this employee. Please mark all that apply. *

Rate the Nominee

For each of the qualifications listed below, please rate the Nominee on a scale of 1 to 5.
1 = Poor
2 = Fair
3 = Good
4 = Excellent
5 = Superior

Final Steps

After you've thoroughly reviewed your responses above and made sure all fields are completed, use the button below to submit your response. Any nominations received before the 14th of the month will be considered for the following month's recognition program. Thank you for helping us recognize our hard-working team members!

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