School Social Worker Certificate Program Application

Image of students

Non-Matriculated Student Application

For: Individuals either enrolled in a MSW degree program outside of Bryn Mawr or who have completed a master’s program in social work (or similar degree) at another institution.

SUGGESTION: Have your resume in hand as you complete the SSWC Application. 

Note: This form will not save while you work on it. If you close this page and come back, your answers will not be saved.

Bryn Mawr College MSS students/alumnae/i are not to complete this application; but instead, complete the MSS Student SSWC Application.

Application Fee: $25.00 (At the end of the application, you will be prompted to enter your credit card information for the application fee.)


(Optional) For US citizens only, if you wish to be identified as a member of a racial/ethnic group please indicate:
Do you currently have a LSW?
(Note: For PDE Certification, you will be required to have a PA LSW or LCSW.)
Will you need us to place you in a school-based field education setting?
(NOTE: Additional course fee will be assessed if field placement services are handled by Bryn Mawr College GSSWSR. ) *
Transfer/Waiver Credit: Coursework must have been completed within five years of the transfer credit request in order to be considered for transfer credit. Field placement tasks and responsibilities must align with that of a school social worker in order to be considered for waiver consideration.
(see website for details)

Do you intend to request transfer/waiver credit for coursework or field placement? *


List in reverse chronological order all institutions of higher education attended.
Degree Field entry should reflect degree received. (For example, M.S.W., B.A., B.S.)
If you are currently enrolled in a MSW (or similar) degree program, do you intend to use your field placement setting for the school-based field practicum requirement?
NOTE: SSWC requires field practicum be in a PK-12 school-based setting.
If yes, does your field supervisor hold one of the following credentials?


Do you intend to use your current employment for the school-based field practicum requirement?
NOTE: SSWC requires field practicum be in a PK-12 school-based setting. *
If you answered yes to the above question, please email your job description that includes details of your responsiblities to
If yes, tell us about your supervisor. Does your supervisor hold one of the following credentials?

List in reverse chronological (newest to oldest) order prior employment.

How did you learn about the Bryn Mawr College School Social Worker Certificate Program?


School Social Worker Certificate Program APPLICATION FEE: $25.00 (non-refundable)