Student Health Form

Student Information

Indicate if your child will be interested in music.
Student lives with: *

Parent/Legal Guardian's Information - where student resides

Text? *

Contact Information for second household, if applicable (non-custodial parent)


Emergency Release Information

In a medical emergency, we will do our best to contact parent/guardians above. If we are unable to reach you, please list your emergency contact:

Student Health Information

This questionnaire is designed to aid NOVA staff in anticipating any health concerns that might affect your child's safety or learning.
Medical Insurance *
Please check any that apply
Are there any concerns with your child's health that NOVA should be aware of? *
Does your child have allergies?
Does your child have asthma?
Does your child's health problem affect his/her daily living or school participation *

Potentially Life-Threatening Conditions

NOVA School adheres to state law RCW 28A.210.320 which requires every public school to prohibit the attendance at school for any and all purposes for any student with a “Life-Threatening Condition” who does not have medication or treatment orders and a nursing care plan on file at the school.  A “Life-Threatening Condition” is defined as a health condition that will put the child in danger of death during the school day if medication or treatment orders and a nursing care plan are not in place.  Students who are not in compliance with RCW 28A.210.320 are prohibited from attendance until such time that they come into complete compliance.
Does your child have a Life-Threatening Allergy? *
Does your child have seizures? *
Does your child have a Cardiac Condition? *
Does your child have Diabetes? *
Does your child have severe Asthma? *
Has your child been hospitalized or treated in emergency within past year? *
Did your child have an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) at his/her previous school? *
Has your child's health care provider advised you to have an EAP at NOVA? *
Does your child have "permission to carry" EpiPen, inhaler, other? *


NOVA School’s POLICY, as guided by WA State law: Medications, either prescribed or over-the-counter, may be administered to students only with WRITTEN PERMISSION of the parent/guardian AND a licensed health care provider. Medications need to be brought to school by an adult, in the original container, properly labeled with directions as ordered by provider and student’s name.
Health Concerns at this time:
Medication Used 🛈
 Taken at:
Medication Used 🛈
 Taken at:
Medication Used 🛈
 Taken at:
Medication Used 🛈
 Taken at:
I understand that the medical information provided above is confidential, but may be shared, when indicated, with those that need to know in order to provide a safe environment for my child. *
Per WA State law, NOVA School requires that students EITHER be fully up to date on immunizations OR, for any vaccinations not given, that a current “Certificate of Exemption” signed by the health care provider and parent be on file, in order to attend school. I understand this policy. *
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