Housatonic Resources Recovery Authority

Annual Permit and Municipal Registration Application (Effective August 1, 2023 - July 31, 2024)                

DO NOT leave questions blank. Incomplete applications will not be accepted, and late fees may be applied.

You must provide an answer to every question. If the question is not applicable, write “N.A.” or “Not Applicable.”

NOTE: Late fee policy – There is a late penalty fee of $1000, HRRA permit fee doubles to $500 per vehicle and the municipal registration fees double for renewals received or completed after the due date.  Access to all HRRA transfer stations will be suspended. If you need assistance with your application, make an appointment with HRRA Staff.  It is the haulers responsibility to start the process and obtain insurance coverage on time.

What is a Municipal Registration and who is required to have one?

Any collector hauling solid waste generated by residential, business, commercial or other establishments, including, but not limited to, recyclables generated within the borders of a municipality, shall register annually in such municipality and disclose specific information to the municipality. Sec. 22a-220a

Note: Registration with the HRRA is deemed registration in the municipality.

What is an HRRA permit and who is required to have one?

The HRRA Permit gives access to the HRRA transfer stations for any hauler collecting municipal solid waste including junk/residential bulky (under 4’).  Haulers are charged the contracted HRRA MSW Tip Fee and there is no minimum tonnage.  The HRRA Permit does not cover construction and demolition debris tip fees.  The 2023-24 MSW Tip Fee effective July 1, 2023, is $99.99 (This does not include any current fuel and or transportation surcharges.) More information about the HRRA permit and current tip fees can be viewed at https://hrra.org/haulers/

We recommend you create an account before proceeding.  

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