TIME’S UP TECH is affiliated with TIME’S UP (www.timesupnow.com). We focus on workplace safety, fairness and dignity for women of all kinds in Tech.

SIGN UP below to get involved in TIME'S UP TECH and across the TIME'S UP organization.
We will send you information about TIME’S UP events, conversations and ways to engage.

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TIME'S UP Tech is newly forming!
I am interested in the following issues: (check all that apply) *
I'd like to volunteer - I'm interested in the following opportunities:
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Skills Sharing Across TIME'S UP

TIME'S UP also has networks of women coming together in entertainment, advertising, press, and venture, and more - who are actively meeting and organizing. Each of these groups could also use teammates with technical expertise who can use their skills to help everything move faster.
I want to share my tech skills to help with other areas of TIME'S UP:
(please check all that apply)
Skills I have to share:
(please check all that apply)

Bio Information

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I’d like to help organize others who are interested in the same things that I am:


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