Serving the FMCSA community since 1990

New Agent Request Form

Do you want to earn some extra money?  Work with us! Sign up to act as a process agent representing the state you reside.  

We’ll send you $50 as a bonus once the FMCSA approves you and adds you to our list! (may take 3-4 weeks)*

Sometimes we are in need of agents in certain states.  If you would like to be on our wait list sign up here!  We will contact you when a space is available in your state to act as our process agent on file with the FMCSA in Washington DC.

Your duties would include…

- Accepting legal documents on our clients behalf
- Forwarding them to our central office in Littleton Colorado immediately via fax then follow up with mailing us the originals.
- Billing us for your services and postage expense (up to $50)


- You must reside in the state applying for process agent
- Have someone available to accept documents via US mail or Express Mail from plaintiff’s attorneys, or sometimes paperwork is delivered by a local Sheriff’s office
- Mail all documents right away to our central office in Littleton Colorado (address shown below) since these are time sensitive documents.

Here’s what we do:  Once you decide you would like to represent Evilsizor Transportation Services we will email you two authorization forms, required by the FMCSA, that needs to be signed, notarized and mailed back to our office.  The FMCSA requires an original to be placed on file before they will switch over the name.

Please note that this is an occasional occurrence.  You may have one or two a month or one every couple of months.  We cannot guarantee how many documents you would receive.

*Your $50 bonus will be sent to you upon completed filing with the FMCSA.

Complete the form below to apply.

Thank you!

Penni Royston

Please consider my application

I would like to apply and be considered to be a process server and represent Evilsizor Transportation Services for my home state. *
List the address where you would be accepting legal documents.  It must be a street address but not a P O Box.  The FMCSA does not accept PO Boxes.
I agree to the following...

- Accepting legal documents on our clients behalf
- Forwarding them to our central office in Littleton Colorado immediately
- Billing us for your services and postage expense (up to $50) *