2019 CFAR Administrative Supplement Outline Submission

Submissions are due:
Monday, March 18, 2019
12:00 PM
1.) Which EtHE pillar(s) will be addressed?
2.) Who are your partners if known at this time?
The integration of early stage faculty and fellows with other CFAR/ARC investigators and local partners is encouraged to advance these planning projects within the context of a team building approach.
  • Name(s) of HU CFAR faculty with whom you will collaborate in this proposed project

  • Name(s), Title and Institutional Affiliation of individuals working in the public health sector (DPH, BPHC, community health centers, etc.) with whom you will collaborate on this proposed project

  • Name(s), Title and Institutional Affiliation of other individuals with whom you will collaborate on this proposed project
• Name(s) of HU CFAR faculty
• Name(s), Title and Institutional Affiliation of individuals working in the public health sector
• Name(s), Title and Institutional Affiliation of other individuals
3.) Outline Submissions
Outlines should not exceed 1-page single spaced and need to address:
1) Application title
2) List of lead investigators and institutions
3) Pillar(s) of the EtHE initiative that the science will address
4) Aim(s)/Objective(s)
5) Brief summary of rationale and approach