LOCATION: Joseph B. Martin Conference Center Amphitheater, 77 Avenue Louis Pasteur, Boston, MA 02115
DATE: Friday, March 1st
TIME: 8AM-4.30PM Eastern 

Poster Session Abstract Submission

Poster Session Details:

1. Abstracts on any HIV/AIDS research topic will be accepted. Data that will be presented at CROI are also welcome for submission to this meeting, since the intent is to have Harvard affiliated investigators share their latest HIV research with peers.

2. Abstracts must be submitted through this form by Monday, January 29th, 2024 by 5 PM Eastern (Deadline Extended).

3. . For those chosen to present a poster, electronic posters must be in landscape orientation and follow the ePosterBoard formatting guidelines.  Please use the landscape template to customize your poster.  Download the ePosterBoard Formatting Guidelines and ePosterBoard Template

4. All presenters will be notified if the submitted abstract is selected for the poster session and/or oral presentation (research relevant to the symposium topic). Please direct any questions to alberto_ottoboni@harvard.edu and meral_pasha@harvard.edu.

5. Posters will be judged and prizes will be available for top-ranked presentations.

I expect to be in attendance for *
Please select the discipline(s) that best describes your abstract *
Abstract Submissions
Each abstract should not exceed 1-page single spaced and should be structured in the following manner:
Investigator Name
Abstract Title
Background: Including the hypothesis, research question or problem to be addressed
Methods: Details regarding the study design and methods or the program/project
Results: A summary of the major findings
Conclusion: A summary of the findings and how they relate to the bigger picture

Do you identify as an URiM (underrepresented in medicine)? *
Would you like to be considered to give an oral presentation based on your research at the Symposium? *
Are you submitting an abstract for the poster session to fulfill the requirements of my HU CFAR Developmental Core Award? *