The Carnegies Judges Diversity Monitoring Form

CILIP is committed to championing diversity, inclusion and representation within the awards, and particularly welcomes applications from people from ethnically diverse backgrounds, those who identify as LGBTQ+, people with experience of disability and male candidates, who have historically been under-represented on the judging panel.

To enable us to take action and monitor our progress, we would be grateful if you could complete the questions on this diversity monitoring form. 
How would you describe your ethnicity? *
I am a non-CILIP member library worker from an ethnically diverse background and if successful would like to take up free YLG membership for my two-year tenure on the judging panel. *
How would you describe your gender? *
Do you identify as transgender *
How would you describe your sexual orientation? *
Are you limited due to a health problem/ disability which has lasted at least 12 months? *
 For more information on how we process your personal data please see our privacy policy
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