College of Arts and Sciences Travel Enrichment Funding

Student Application

Travel Enrichment funds have been designated for the use of attending a conference as a presenter or to conduct research. Applications for anything other than these two purposes will not be accepted. Participation in internships, study abroad programs, summer schools, seminars and workshops are not eligible for funding.
Submission of application does not guarantee an award. 

a) a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25
b) be enrolled as a full-time student in the College of Arts & Sciences at the University of Memphis
c) not have graduated before the actual travel dates indicated in the application

NOTE: Not eligible if you've been awarded Travel Enrichment funds previously.

Applicant must complete ALL of the following steps. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

a.)  Electronically submit the Online Travel Enrichment Fund Student Application form on the following page

b.)  Electronically submit a Statement of Intent and Purpose (see statement requirements below)

c.)  Electronically submit a copy of abstract, if presenting

d.)  Electronically submit a letter of support from the advisor

All documents (steps b-d) should be uploaded to the application.

If your documents will not upload please submit electronically to Stormey Warren (

An applicant may submit only one proposal for the designated travel period.

Application deadlines:

Fall semester  (September 1 ‐ December 31): July 14th

Spring semester  (January 1 ‐ May 15): October 14th

Summer semester  (May 16 ‐ August 31): March 10th

Questions concerning Travel Enrichment funds should be directed to Stormey Warren at

Statement of Intent and Purpose:
Please submit a statement of no more than two double spaced typed pages about the travel for which you seek support: include the destination of your trip and the travel dates. (The destination and dates of travel listed in your statement must be consistent with the actual travel.) Explain the purpose and benefits of your travel. Please include a projected itemized budget for your trip (transportation, lodging, and other expenses), along with an explanation of other university funding sources which you have applied and/or received to support your travel, this would include funding from departmental grants.
If your statement does not include all of the above required information, your application will not be considered. 

Please submit a copy of your abstract along with the notification of acceptance from the conference organizers. If the conference's submission deadline or acceptance notification is after the CAS application deadline, include this information from the conference website in your proposal packet.

Advisor's Endorsement Letter:
The Advisor's letter of support should be uploaded to the application.