Training Class Registration

Description Text
Next Class December 9, 2024 @ 5:30pm
Sign-up Now, Limited space available. 
What you will take away from our class: Click here
Below is the form we need filled out.  this form gives us a better understanding of your dog.
Knowing a little about you dog before class is essential for the best training possible.
Are you Available if necessary, to attend a 7:00pm class *



HAS ANY OF THE FOLLOWING OCCURRED (check all that apply) *

Please choose the best answer for each of the following. *
Does your dog ever growl, snap, or show teeth?
Does your dog growl or snap if *anyone*tries to take away food, toys, etc. from him/her?
If your dog sleeps on the bed or sofa and you ask him to get off, does he ever growl or snap?
Does your dog ever growl or snap when being groomed or being examined?
Are you ever worried that your dog may injure a non-family member?
Does your ever growl, snap, lunge or bark at other dogs?
Does your dog ever growl, snap, lunge or hide from unfamiliar people?
Has your dog ever bitten a person or another dog?

If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, your dog may not be suitable for a group class. Further evaluation may be necessary to determine the proper course of training for you and your dog.

Please hit submit to send us your registration for Training Camp.  You will then be forwared to the payment screen. Payment or deposit is required to hold your spot in class. Please note that 100.00 deposit or 100.00 of a full payment for class is non-refundable if you cancel or no show.
Please bring with you to class, proof of vaccines.  If Camp KCS has your updated vaccines, there is no need to bring a copy.
Proof of vaccines must be presented on or before first class.  Required vaccines are Rabies, Distemper & Bordetella.
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