CABE 2025 Call for Commercial Workshop Presentations

50th Annual Conference
Long Beach, California

CABE cordially invites you to submit a commercial proposal to present at the CABE Annual Conference. The Annual Conference is a major educational event for school and university personnel, parents and other individuals who work with all students and specifically English Learners and heritage language students.

The goal for CABE 2025 is that, as bilingual educators, we draw from our rich resources and assume a major role in promoting and supporting educational excellence for all in California. We invite you to join us by submitting a commercial presentation that represents the most current practices for English learners and biliteracy programs. 

Priority will be given to registered exhibitors and sponsors. 

All workshops sessions are 1 hour and 15 minutes  in length.

Please submit this form no later than Monday, October 28, 2024.

Presenter Guidelines and Requirements

Thank you for your interest in presenting a one-hour and 15 minute workshop at the 2025 CABE Annual Conference. Please take a moment to review this page carefully BEFORE beginning the submission process. This document will outline the process of submitting a proposal, as well as the responsibilities and benefits of being a workshop presenter.
PLEASE NOTE: We will be accepting commercial workshop proposals through October 28, 2024.

Submission of proposals:

·        Sponsors have the opportunity to present up to 2 workshops depending on the level of sponsorship.

·        Registered exhibitors will be assessed a $250 presentation fee (sponsors excluded).

·        Commercial presentations submitted by companies who do not plan to exhibit at CABE 2025 will be charged a fee of $250.00 to present.

·        Individuals may not submit or appear on more than four proposals, either as primary or secondary presenter. 

·        The same institutional affiliation may not appear on more than four proposals.

·        Do not list individuals as secondary presenters unless you have a definite commitment that they will present. 

·        Do not submit a proposal if you cannot present your session at the Annual Conference.

·        Selling programs, products, books, or services (including authors and independent or freelance consulting services) is strictly prohibited within the workshop before, during and/or after the presentation. 

·        If you or your organization would like to sell programs, products, books, or services (including authors and independent or freelance consulting services), see the Requirement to Exhibit Policy for Presenters below. 

·        Persons presenting at CABE conferences or related programs are expected to use material and language that do not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, color, ethnicity, religion, physical ability, or sexual orientation.

·        Please do not use this form for institute presentations. Institutes and Feature Speakers' sessions are by invitation only and must use the appropriate application form. For more information, please contact CABE. See contact information below.

Preparing your proposal:

·        All sessions are limited to one primary presenter and three secondary presenters. CABE will officially correspond only with the primary presenter.

·        It is the primary presenter's responsibility to communicate all conference information in a timely manner to any and all secondary presenters.

·        Be sure that your session title gives a clear description on what the session will be about and is no more than 10 words. CABE reserves the right to edit session titles.

·        Do not type any part of your proposal in all capital or lowercase letters.

·        Avoid abbreviations and acronyms that don't clearly explain the session's content.

·        Use active verbs to describe exactly what will occur in the session. Examples include words such as describe, discuss, role-play, and present.

·        Describe specific presentation techniques that you will be using—such as interactive, lecture, or multimedia—so that participants will know what kind of session they will be attending.

·        Indicate whether handouts will be available. Describe what you will be doing in the session and what the participants can expect to gain/learn or receive from the workshop.

·        Avoid quoting other people or providing research data.

·        Write in complete sentences. Do not use phrases.

·        Limit your description to 75 words. CABE reserves the right to edit session descriptions.


Presenters Responsibilities:

·        With the exception of general session, keynote and featured speakers, CABE cannot pay remuneration, honorarium or expenses for anyone presenting at the Annual Conference. We hope that the intangible benefits of being a part of our educational programming make the effort worthwhile for presenters.

·        Financial support must be obtained from either yourself or your school or organization for travel and expenses to attend the conference, including the conference registration fee for secondary presenters.

·        Hotel accommodations must be made on your own at one of the conference hotels in Long Beach, CA. (Hotels will be listed on our website in early October.)

·        Travel arrangements to the conference must be made on your own, for which you are financially responsible.


Proposal Review:

All proposals submitted for our Annual Conference are reviewed and rated by a committee and by the CABE team. The Strand Committee will only be able to consider proposals that are completed according to these guidelines and requirements. Questions/concerns reviewers will check when evaluating proposals:

·        How well does the proposal relate to the conference theme and strands?

·        Does the proposal contain innovative and cutting-edge ideas that have achieved proven results?

·        Will the proposal's content attract and stimulate conference attendees' thinking?

·        Is the proposal clearly written, and does it specify what participants might gain from the session?

·        Are the ideas, practices, and programs replicable, and do they focus on the "whys" and "hows"?

·        Are the presentation techniques current and diverse?


Presenter Notification:

·        Presenters will be notified of their acceptance in December 2024 via e-mail.

·        Please note: If you have not heard from CABE regarding your proposal by late December 2024, please e-mail us using contact info below.

·        Primary presenters are responsible for informing their secondary presenters of the details of their session.


Address or Co-presenter Changes:

·        Once you have signed your proposal, make sure to keep CABE informed on any changes (i.e. adding, removing, or changing secondary presenters, updating or changing your address). We need to know.

·        All changes/updates must be submitted in writing via e-mail to CABE.


Workshop Room Information:

Session room information will be e-mailed to all primary presenters in January 2025. The e-mail contains the following information:

·        Workshop number, title, date and time.

·        Room number, capacity and setup.


Audio-Visual Equipment:

·        CABE will provide a screen and an LCD projector and screen.

·        All other A/V equipment, including microphones, speakers, internet connection, and Laptop computers must be supplied by or rented by the presenter at the presenter's own expense.

·        Presenters are allowed to bring their own A/V equipment but may be charged a patch or hookup fee by the in-house audio-visual supplier.

·        CABE will not be responsible for equipment brought or rented by presenter.

·        For equipment rental information and A/V order form, contact CABE in January 2025.



Handout Guidelines:

·        You are responsible for providing copies of your session handouts. It is important that you have enough handouts for the maximum number of attendees. You session room information, e-mailed to all primary presenters in January 2025, includes the maximum capacity of the meeting room.

·        CABE will not be responsible for providing additional copies of handouts.

·        If you plan to ship handouts for your session, they must be shipped to the hotel where you have secured your overnight accommodations; please contact the appropriate hotel for instructions. The meeting facilities will not accept deliveries of presenter materials.


Exhibit Policy for Presenters:

·        If you or your organization sells programs, products, books or services (including authors and independent or freelance consulting services), you may be required to purchase space in the Exhibit Hall. This policy is consistent with our understanding of what participants expect when they attend the conference--namely that they are not confronted with commercialism and sales pitches, however subtle, in all workshops they choose to attend.

·        All personal signage advertising your workshop cannot be posted on and around the facility unless approved beforehand by the Chief Executive Officer and/or the Director of Conference and Event Planning.


Deadline for Submission:

Commercial workshop proposals for CABE 2025 must be submitted by Monday, October 28, 2024. The online submission link will close at 11:59 PM PST. Late submissions will be considered on a space-available basis but may not appear in the conference registration or promotional materials.


By submitting a proposal, you are indicating that you have read the terms and conditions of presenting at the CABE 2025 Annual Conference. You will receive an e-mail confirmation of your submission. If you do not receive an e-mail confirmation once you submit your proposal, please use the contact information below.


Contact Information:

California Association for Bilingual Education
Attn: Program and Events Specialist


Important Dates/Deadlines          


October 28                     Deadline to Submit Call for Presentation

December  06                Speakers notified of acceptance/decline

December 20                 Deadline to pay Presenter Registration Fee


January 17                     Scheduling Information to Presenters

January 17                     Deadline to Confirm Schedule and/or Edit Proposal

March 26-29                  50th  Annual CABE Conference, Long Beach, California 


I have read the Presenter's Guidelines and Requirements: *