| No or rarely | To some extent | Somewhat consistently | Consistently | Not applicable |
You and your staff clearly convey your strong vaccine recommendation (“I recommend you receive vaccine X because…,” or “Vaccine X is recommended for you because…” vs saying “Vaccine X is an option if you want it.” ) |
SHARE the tailored reasons why the recommended vaccine is right for the patient given his or her age, health status, lifestyle, occupation, or other risk factors. |
HIGHTLIGHT positive experiences with vaccines (personal or in your practice), as appropriate, to reinforce the benefits and strengthen confidence in vaccination. |
Share your own immunization status with the patient (show how you walk the walk) |
ADDRESS patient questions and any concerns about the vaccine, including side effects, safety, and vaccine effectiveness in plain and understandable language |
REMIND patients that vaccines protect them and their loved ones from many common and serious diseases |
EXPLAIN the potential costs of getting the disease, including serious health effects, time lost (such as missing work or family obligations), and financial costs. |
Utilize open-ended questions to assess the patient’s understanding of the information provided and/or identify beliefs / concerns |
Offer to administer the vaccine at the visit in which you make the recommendation. |
If you don’t stock the vaccine, ensure the patient has clear directions about which vaccine to get and where to get it. |
Encourage patients to carry immunization record cards/ access to electronic immunization records |
Immunization information and recommendation delivered in language and way patient can understand (language, culture, other) |
If referring patient to another provider to receive the vaccination you provide a referral order / communication to the patient and/or the provider and request to receive information back when the patient gets vaccinated. |