The NVAC Adult Immunization Standards call on all providers of healthcare to adult patients to assess, recommend, administer/refer and document immunizations.  A strong recommendation from a healthcare provider can influence the outcome resulting in a patient being administered a needed vaccine.  The elements leading to a strong recommendation are listed below.  This self-assessment is intended as a guide to providers to determine their current activities and approaches and identify areas for additional focus that will lead to consistency and strengthening of immunization recommendations.
Practice-site focused
 No or rarelyTo some extentSomewhat consistentlyConsistentlyNot applicable
Educational information / tools on immunizations provided to patients in waiting areas and other means of patient communications
Provide immunization education tools / surveys at check-in for patients to review/complete while waiting
Have immunization education messages in areas where the vaccine is administered (posters, brochures, video, etc.)
Provide immunization messages thru electronic patient portals and/or appointment reminders
Provide patient access to the immunization records
Patient-Practitioner Interaction
 No or rarelyTo some extentSomewhat consistentlyConsistentlyNot applicable
You and your staff clearly convey your strong vaccine recommendation (“I recommend you receive vaccine X because…,” or “Vaccine X is recommended for you because…” vs saying “Vaccine X is an option if you want it.” )
SHARE the tailored reasons why the recommended vaccine is right for the patient given his or her age, health status, lifestyle, occupation, or other risk factors.
HIGHTLIGHT positive experiences with vaccines (personal or in your practice), as appropriate, to reinforce the benefits and strengthen confidence in vaccination.
Share your own immunization status with the patient (show how you walk the walk)
ADDRESS patient questions and any concerns about the vaccine, including side effects, safety, and vaccine effectiveness in plain and understandable language
REMIND patients that vaccines protect them and their loved ones from many common and serious diseases
EXPLAIN the potential costs of getting the disease, including serious health effects, time lost (such as missing work or family obligations), and financial costs.
Utilize open-ended questions to assess the patient’s understanding of the information provided and/or identify beliefs / concerns
Offer to administer the vaccine at the visit in which you make the recommendation.
If you don’t stock the vaccine, ensure the patient has clear directions about which vaccine to get and where to get it.
Encourage patients to carry immunization record cards/ access to electronic immunization records
Immunization information and recommendation delivered in language and way patient can understand (language, culture, other)
If referring patient to another provider to receive the vaccination you provide a referral order / communication to the patient and/or the provider and request to receive information back when the patient gets vaccinated.
Patient Action
 No or rarelyTo some extentSomewhat consistentlyConsistentlyNot applicable
Patients take action based on your recommendation (vaccinated by you or someone else)
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