Showtime Theatre Company Parent Survey

Thank you for supporting Showtime, our non-profit theater company affiliated with Showtime Academy! We value your feedback so we can continuously improve our organization and performances for the benefit of your children, our community, and the arts.
At the end of each short section of questions, you will have an opportunity to provide open-ended feedback. Your scoring and comments are anonymous. 
Thank you!

Section 1: Lion King Performance & Rehearsals

Did you have at least one child in the Lion King performance? *
How would you rate the overall quality of the performance? *
Was the show age-appropriate? *
Were you satisfied with the rehearsal schedule? *
How was the lighting, sound and overall technical execution? *
Was the program (print or digital version) informative and well-designed? *
0/1000 characters

Section 2: Ticketing, Concessions, Donations & Fees

Are the ticket prices a fair value? *
Was the ticket purchasing process smooth and efficient? *
Are volunteering experiences well organized and expectations clear? *
We currently charge a costume fee for each show, ask for concession donations and collect funds for post-show parties to offset theatre performance costs. Which of the following alternative options would you prefer? *
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Section 3: Tech Week, Load-in and Strike/Take-Down

How smoothly did tech week go? *
How efficiently was the stage set-up and load-in managed? *
How efficiently was the post-show take down and load-out handled? *
0/1000 characters

Final Section: Communication & Open-Ended Feedback

How might we make it easier to attend required parent meetings? *
How well were you informed about show dates, times and any changes? *
Lion King cast/parent/guardian information was disseminated in multiple ways. Which ways did you find most effective? *
0/1000 characters
Overall Experience: On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to recommend our theatre company to other parents/guardians? *
0/1000 characters
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