The Champion Network TV Broadcasting Application and Agreement

This 52-week contract agreement starts on the date you submit this application. If you need a start date extension, you must contact us in writing, and we will honor up to a 60-day extension. Do you also understand that your content must be inspirational and Christian content? Do you understand that your content must not include profanity or name-bashing of other people, ministries, businesses, or organizations? * *
Do you agree that the TV airtime slot can be transferred to another as a gift, but the new broadcaster will have to sign a new agreement with us. *
Sponsorships - Do you understand and agree that our platform will allow you to include your sponsor's commercial breaks in the contents of your edited show. You also understand that we reserve the right to include THE CHAMPION NETWORK sponsor's family-friendly commercial ads within your TV show. *
Earnings Disclaimer: We provide the tools and training you need to be successful, however, you understand and agree that THE CHAMPION NETWORK Broadcasting and its affiliates do not guarantee that you will receive a specific amount of income from donations, sponsors, and advertisers. Earning potential is entirely dependent upon each individual based on their own efforts. *
I understand that all of my footage cannot contain music or images that are copyright protected unless I have written permission from the content publisher. If found, I am responsible for all penalties of the law and fees accessed by THE CHAMPION NETWORK and will be subject to cancellation of my TV show due to copyright infringement. *
Do you understand that we are not responsible for outages, acts of GOD or system schedule errors that would prohibit programming from airing at the designated time? Acts of GOD include but are not limited to an unusual outage in electricity, internet, satellite, cable, fiber, storms, fire, earthquake, floods, sudden illness, or other acts of GOD. There could also be an urgent need for emergency broadcasting. We agree to broadcast your programming at a different time slot in these circumstances. *
Do you understand and agree if you do not send in programming weekly, we have the right to air past episodes? If you do not have enough past episodes, we have the right to broadcast replacement shows. *
Would you be interested in obtaining pricing for us to produce you a inro/outro for your show? *
Are you interested in filming or editing services? *
Would you be interested in coaching services to maximize your success with one of our producers? We will contact you with additional information *
I authorize THE CHAMPION NETWORK Broadcasting to process my card payment(s) by phone or from this form for THE CHAMPION NETWORK Broadcasting products and services. I understand All fees are non-refundable, however we can credit with other products and services of THE CHAMPION NETWORK. *
I agree to the terms and conditions of this agreement and accept it as a binding contract with my signature.. Signature *
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