2023 Conference registration and membership form

Membership Information:
Please take the time now to sign up for a membership or renew your existing membership. Doing so gives you access to discounted fees for conference registration.

Please note: that you must pay your membership dues now (minimum $90) in order to qualify for the $110 conference registration fee. Otherwise, you must pay the non-member registration of $210.

Please indicate the number of people for whom you are filling out this form. For example, if it's just you then enter "1". If it's for you and two others enter "3". *
If the membership above is for someone other than the person filling out this form OR if it is for multiple people (please hit the +) and list the names of the people for whom you are purchasing memberships and the type of membership for each person.

Example: John Doe: Membership Type
Membership, Conference or both
Please select what you would like to do from the options below: *
Membership Fee:
(Please Select All That Apply (One per name listed) from the "Membership Confirmation" Section) *
Conference Registration (Please Select) *
Official Lunch
(Limited capacity - Reserve early)
Remembering the solitary star on Cuba's flag, we title your donation with a star.

Please see the list of previous years’ donors that support the intellectual work of those focused on Cuba's economy and society.

Select your donation level below:
Indicate with 1, 2, or 3 how you would like your donation allocated:
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