17th Annual Penney Girls Foundation Golf Outing

Donation Details

Title Level Sponsorship ($5,000) 
• Full-page Ad in Event Program 
• Company Name on Event Banner and Penney Girls Foundation Website
• Dinner Recognition

Diamond Level Sponsorship  ($2,500) 
• Full-page Ad in Event Program 
• Company Name on Event Banner and Penney Girls Foundation Website

Platinum Level Sponsorship ($1,000) 
• Sponsorship of Beverages on Course, Cart Sponsor, or Lunch Sponsorship Available
(Company Name on Event Banner at Respective Locations)
• Half-page Ad in Event Program

Gold Level Sponsorship ($500) 
• Sponsorship of Hole-in-one, or Longest Drive, or Closest to the Pin, or Putting Contest
(Company Name on Event Banner at Respective Locations)
• 1/4 page Ad in Event Program

Silver Level Sponsorship ($250) 
• Company Name in Event Program

Golf ($250 per person) 
• Includes dinner

Dinner ($50 per person) 
• Dinner Only

Registration Form

Please select your sponsorship level:
Please make your selection if applicable:
Please select this option only if unable to attend the event and would like to make a charitable donation.
Please input the number of golfers (Dinner is included)
Please insert the first and last names of all golf members: 🛈
Please input the number of people attending dinner below:
Please insert the first and last names of all members joining for dinner: 🛈
Please select your form of payment *

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