Nerang Parish Wedding Form

This form is used to fill out Federal and Church documents so please use full spelling and avoid abbreviations.
We will use this document to prepare the legal paperwork that will be needed for the wedding.
It is not necessary that both parties are baptised or christened as Catholic, as long as one of the party is Catholic, a Catholic Wedding is possible)
The date of the wedding will be confirmed upon consultation and advise with the Priest.
Before you start filling out this form, please note:
If either of the bride or groom is previously married and the spouse is still living, please do not book a wedding yet until you have contacted the Regional Matrimonial Tribunal of the Catholic Church:
We cannot do marriages of people previously married until they provide, where possible, a 'freedom to marry' letter from the Catholic Tribunal.
The Catholic Archdiocesan Tribunal
GPO Box 1726
Brisbane, Queensland 4001
Email address:
Phone No. (07) 3324 3033
Will you require the Parish Priest of St. Brigid's Catholic Church to be the celebrant for the ceremony? If no, please provide the full name of the Priest. *
Name of the Parish in which the wedding will be conducted: *
Full postal address of the parish where the wedding will take place: *
Name of the Catholic Diocese in which the wedding will take place: *
Please choose one of the following options that most accurately describes your situation: *
Please tick the following boxes to conform your understanding of the process for this wedding application: *
What type of wedding ceremony are you requesting: *
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