Please include the following information in your report, along with any supporting/additional information:

  • Attachment A: STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: Include Intended Activity, with objective and measurable standards
  • Attachment B: COMPLETE LIST OF OFFICERS:  (If vacancies for these officers are filled or elections held during 2025, be sure to notify the Rules Subcommittee on Charted Organizations.)
  • Attachment E: NOTICE AGREEMENT
  • Attachment F: STATED GOALS (from your previous Annual Report, if applicable, or your original charter application)
  • Attachment G: EVAULATION OF PERFORMANCE TO GOALS. This is where you objectively measure your organization’s performance against your previous goals.   Please explain how you attained your goals, as well as where you think you fell short – and why.  Please provide examples, where possible.
  • Attachment H: GOALS FOR 2025.  Be sure to make these goals measurable!

These reports will be reviewed by members of the Chartered Organizations Subcommittee.  They may be in contact with you, if they have any additional questions.  Upon completion of the review, you will receive written notification of your continued status as a chartered organization.


**CDC/CYD Exempt from annual reporting but they can submit if they choose


Type of District *

Type of Organization

Please indicate the type of organizational charter for which this application is made and answer applicable questions.
If you make a mistake and want to start over, please make sure to uncheck every box.
Type of Organization *

Attachment A: Statement of Purpose and Intended Activity, with objective and measurable standards

Your Statement of Purpose and Intended Activity, with objective, measurable standards by which you will evaluate your success

Attachment B: Roster of Officers

(If vacancies for these officers are filled or elections held during 2025, be sure to notify the Rules Subcommittee on Chartered Organizations.)
Please list all Officers and/or Committee Chairs of the Organization, including Precinct Captains, or other persons charged with organizational responsibility. 
(include any person listed on statement of organization filed with Secretary of State or Federal Election commission; attach additional pages if necessary)
Download Template Here

Attachment C: Roster of Members


Please upload a roster of members using this format:
Download Template Here

First Name Last Name Mailing Address City Zip AD Telephone Home Work Mobile Fax Email Precinct or Block Captain

Attachment D: Certification

Written certificate, signed by the Chair and one additional Officer of the organization, certifying that each of its members is a registered Democrat
Download Certification Letter

Attachment E: Notice Agreement

Agreement that you will give ten (10) days written or electronic notice to any and all of its meetings, both regular and special, to the California Democratic Party.
Download Notice Agreement

Attachment F: Previously Stated Goals

(from your previous Annual Report, If applicable, or your original charter applicaation

Attachment G: Evaluation of Performance

This is where you objectively measure your organization’s performance against your previous goals.   Please explain how you attained your goals, as well as where you think you fell short – and why.  Please provide examples, where possible.

Attachment H: 2025 Goals

GOALS FOR 2025  
Be sure to make these goals measurable!


6. Acknowledgements

Organization agreement reminder:

  • to provide the Chair(s) of the Rules Committee and the Secretary of the CDP written reports on its activities and
  • progress toward achieving organizational goals, by February 7th of each year
  • to give ten (10) days written or electronic notice of each of its meetings to the Secretary of the CDP
  • to advise the CDP within ten (10) days of any changes in its officers or its officers’ contact information, or of any changes in the Constitution
  • and/or Bylaws of the Organization, and if the Organization is incorporated, its Articles of Incorporation.
  • to update the Organization’s roster of members on file with the CDP annually, by February 7th of each year.
  • that the Roster of Members of the Organization shall be made available by the CDP to all candidates the CDP endorses
  • that the CDP may deny or revoke the charter of the Organization for cause, and such causes for revocation include:
    • having fewer than thirty (30) members in the geographical area from which the Organization draws its membership
    • failing to grant membership to any registered Democrat resident in the geographical area from which the Organization draws its membership
    • the knowing enrollment of a person as a voting member of the Organization who is registered as anything other than a member of the Democratic Party
    • the endorsement of a non-Democrat for elective office
    • the endorsement of any candidate for public office running against an endorsed candidate of the CDP
    • transfer of funds from the Organization’s accounts to an account of a non-Democrat running for elective office
    • acting in violation of State or Federal laws or regulations, and/or
    • a finding of fact having been made by the CDP that the Organization has failed to act in and/or has acted in a manner adverse or detrimental to the best interests of the Democratic Party
    • failure to submit the annual written report of progress and update of roster
  • that the charters of geographically based organizations shall be automatically revoked thirty (30) days after the effective date of any reapportionment law altering the boundaries of that Organization’s defined district boundary.
I agree to the Acknowledgements *


As Officers of the Organization, we herby certify that all information provided in this application is to the best of our knowledge true and correct as of the date and that the Organization freely undertakes all agreements notated above.