3-5 March 2025
Brand Builders Order Form

Brand Builders are a great way to bring visibility to your company and drive traffic to your booth.
For questions about Brand Builders, please contact Sue Ellen Rhine A-K serhine@seg.org or Tracy Thompson L-Z tthompson@aapg.org.

Targeted Emails

A fully complete and formatted HTML File (.HTM or .HMTL) along with Subject line and Test Email Group must be sent to sales@aapg.org 7 days prior to date selected. A test for approval will be sent after receiving the files.

All emails are subject to CCUS Show Management approval.
Emails will be sent to registered CCUS attendees.
Limited slots are available and are sold on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Once an order is received, a sales representative will contact you to schedule email publish date(s).

Targeted Attendee Emails
Please select type below:
Pre-Conference Date Selection
Please check the date and time you prefer:
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Show Date Selection
Please check the date and time you prefer:
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Post-Conference Date Selection
Please check the date and time you prefer:
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Banner Ads in Daily Event Email Blast

Promote your products and services during CCUS! Delegates will receive a daily event e-mail with a
list of the most popular events of the day. Schedule is one email per day. Multiple banner positions available.
Specifications: Banner ads: 650w x 94h pixels and hyperlink
Due by: 24 February
Select a date and position:
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(1 remaining)

Advertising Options

CCUS Program Book
Every attendee and exhibitor at CCUS will receive the Program Book. Used as a reference throughout the year, the Program Book is a handy guide for both attendees and their colleagues back in the office. Build your brand and drive booth attendance by advertising in the Program Book!
Program Book Space Deadline: February 3
Program Book Material Deadline: February 10
Inside Front Cover - SOLD Microseismic
Back Cover - SOLD Viridien

Full Page 8.37" x 10.87" (+ .125" bleed)
Half Page Horizontal 8.37" x 5.43" (+ .125" bleed)

Please select:

Onsite Signage

The CCUS exhibition is located in the Grand Ballroom on Level 3.
Click here to view a detailed facility map: https://www.grbhouston.com/planners/grb-brochure/
Artwork is due no later than February 13th. Submit to sales@aapg.org 
Banner L3-13 Banner Single Sided 29' W X 2’-8" H
Banner L3-14 Banner Single Sided 24' W X 2’-8" H
Banner L3-11 Banner Single Sided 29' W X 2’-8" H
Banner L3-12 Banner Single Sided 24' W X 2’-8" H
Banner L3-6 Banner Single Sided 24' W X 2’-8" H
Banner L3-7 Banner Single Sided 24' W X 2’-8" H

Video Spotlight

Highlight your company through a video interview. The AAPG video team will set a designated time to come to your booth during CCUS to do the interview and shoot B roll; edit the video to 3-5 minutes and then promote the video through a post-show eNewsletter to CCUS attendees, the AAPG Enspired eNewsletter and host the video on the AAPG website for 12-months. You will also receive a copy of the video for your own use.
(8 remaining)


Sponsor a webinar leading up to the event that will allow you to engage with your audience before the event and drive traffic to your booth, where you can continue the conversation. Alternatively, you can sponsor a webinar after the event, extending your reach beyond just event attendees. Both options enable you to generate valuable contacts, as you’ll receive the full registration list. The webinar will be promoted to current and past event attendees, giving you broader exposure. Additionally, your logo will be prominently featured on all promotional materials created by AAPG, maximizing your brand visibility.
(2 remaining)
(2 remaining)

Exhibitor and Payment Details

Payment *

A copy of this order will be emailed to you and the Sales Team upon submission.  The sales team will reach out to work out the details of the order. 

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