NOTE: This form will allow you to place your order, upload your ad/photos and pay for your order.  If you're ready to order but not ready to upload, simply complete your order and send your ad/photos directly to  All orders and images must be received by October 26th to meet our print deadline.  Thank you!
Business Ads
Family/Player Ads
For ALL ads: Upload artwork or photo(s) below.  If it's not print-ready, include the message you'd like in your ad.  We'll design an ad and send to you for approval.

Current Total:
The next page will provide payment options (credit/debit card, Paypal, Venmo or directions to mail check).  After payment confirmation, you will receive an email receipt.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach us at
or call/text Tom Macina at 312.208.1916 or Peter Schoonyoung at 773.220.2947.
Thank you for supporting Loyola Hockey!
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