FHSD Student Contract

As a learner using a personal or school provided device I will...

1)  Be on the task assigned by my teacher at all times.  At school, a laptop will only be used for educational purposes.

2)  Always carry laptops with two hands and with the lid closed.

3)  Use laptops on flat, secure surfaces.

4)  Take responsiblity for trouble-shooting computer issues.

5)  Mute the computer sound at all times unless my teacher gives me permission otherwise.

6)  Keep my passwords private. 

7)  Abide by the FHSD Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).

8)  Comply with the Student Code of Conduct.

9)  Keep my personal or school provided laptop with me or locked in my locker at ALL times.

10)  Be the only one to use my personal or school provided laptop at school.

If I am a participant in the FHSD Laptop Program, PowerUP, I will also....

12)  Bring my fully charged laptop to school EVERY day.

13)  Bring my power cord with me to school each day.

14)  Personalize my laptop (screensavers, backgrounds, skins, etc.) in school appropriate ways.

15)  Label my laptop and power cord with my first and last name.

16)  Install virus-protection software with updates on my laptop.

17)  Take my laptop home every day.

If I am a borrowing a FHSD Laptop, I also...
18)  understand I am responsible for the device at all times

19)  understand that I must bring the device to the Learning Commons immediately if anything is wrong with the device.
20)  understand that each damage claim will be reviewed. If damage is the result of abuse or negligence, I will be charged a fee for damages and repairs. 
By typing my first name AND last name below, I commit to being an active, responsible learner as outlined above.  I acknowledge the Forest Hills School District accepts no responsibility for personal property brought to the school by students.  Personally owned laptops that are stolen or damaged are the responsibility of the student and their parents/guardians.
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