Good To Know
Parent & Teacher Feedback
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If you are a parent or caregiver, did you find Good To Know helped you help your child with his/her homework? *
If you are a teacher, did you find Good To Know helped you with explaining specific concepts? *
If you are a teacher, is Good To Know a resource you have shared or plan to share with classroom parents? *
Did your child or students have an increased understanding of Pre-K, Kindergarten, and Grade 1 math concepts after using the Good To Know series? *
What do you like about the Good To Know series? *
What improvements could be made to the Good To Know series? *
Would you choose Good To Know over another resource to help your child or students with Pre-K, Kindergarten, and Grade 1 math homework? *
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Good To Know is produced by WSKG Public Media in Binghamton, NY.